Displaying 1 - 30 of 43 in total

Your Joy Matters

Lani and Kelly talk about gratitude and joy in the Season 2 finale of Big Strong Yes.

Mighty & Mad

Kelly and Lani rage at the madwoman metaphor while discussing what it means to grow "mighty" in Burnout, Ch. 8.

Resisting Rest

In this episode of Big Strong Yes, we're sleepy and snarky as we dive into Burnout, Chapter 7: What Makes You Stronger.

The Love Bubble

Noelle LaCroix guests with Kelly to talk about connection and rage.

Hi, Baby. What Do You Need?

In this episode of Big Strong Yes, we tackle Burnout, Chapter 5: The Bikini Industrial Complex.

The Gold is Love

“Why is that tree so bent and gnarled? Because that’s what it took to survive in the place where she grew.” On this episode of Big Strong Yes, we tackle Burnout, Chapt...

Making Meaning

In this episode of Big Strong Yes, we discuss Burnout, Chapter 3 and ponder the meaning of life.

Redefining Failure

In this episode of Big Strong Yes, we discuss Burnout, Chapter 2: #Persist, and rumble with the ragey monitor.

Stress Camel Humps

On today’s episode of Big Strong Yes, Lani and Kelly discuss Burnout: Chapter 2 and win all the points for Stress Bingo.

A-cheese-able Goals

On today's episode of Big Strong Yes, Lani and Kelly read and respond to the introduction of Burnout and celebrate the defining of terms.

Season 2: Bigger, Stronger, Yesser

We’re back! Story expert Lani Diane Rich and researcher Dr. Kelly Jones return after three years to catch up and get started on BSY Season 2, reading Burnout by Emily ...


In this episode of Big Strong Yes, story expert Lani Diane Rich and researcher Dr. Kelly Jones comb through the Big Strong Yes archives and pull out their favorite mom...

B for Badass

In the Year of Yes finale episode of Big Strong Yes, story expert Lani Diane Rich and researcher Dr. Kelly Jones talk about their experiences reading and responding to...

Stupid and Self-Helpy

In this episode of Big Strong Yes, story expert Lani Diane Rich and researcher Dr. Kelly Jones get cranky about learning to love themselves, or whatever, as they close...

In Search of Swagger

In this episode of Big Strong Yes, story expert Lani Diane Rich and researcher Dr. Kelly Jones find themselves in different places on their paths as they talk about sa...

And I Am Beautiful

In this episode of Big Strong Yes, story expert Lani Diane Rich and researcher Dr. Kelly Jones share their stories of beauty and power as they take inspiration from Ch...

Not Nearly Ready

In this episode of Big Strong Yes, story expert Lani Diane Rich and researcher Dr. Kelly Jones are not nearly ready to discuss Chapter 8: Yes to my Body from Shonda Rh...


In this episode of Big Strong Yes, story expert Lani Diane Rich and researcher Dr. Kelly Jones talk mommy wars, explosive integration, and ultimate clarity while takin...

The Whole Truth

In this episode of Big Strong Yes, story expert Lani Diane Rich and researcher Dr. Kelly Jones tell their authentic truth inspired by Chapter 5: Yes to Speaking the Wh...

It’s About Fear

In this episode of Big Strong Yes, story expert Lani Diane Rich and researcher Dr. Kelly Jones tell their stories of fear inspired by Chapter 4: Yes to the Sun from Sh...

The Naughty Bits

In this episode of Big Strong Yes, story expert Lani Diane Rich and researcher Dr. Kelly Jones throw the traditional format away and get into the spirit of memoir by t...

Big Magic Finale

In this episode of Big Strong Yes, story expert Lani Diane Rich and researcher Dr. Kelly Jones reflect on what they've learned about themselves and their creativity wh...

Follow the Shiny Thing

In this episode of Big Strong Yes, story expert Lani Diane Rich and researcher Dr. Kelly Jones take on divine dances, painted bicycles and fierce universal trust while...

Choose Your Delusion

In this episode of Big Strong Yes, story expert Lani Diane Rich and researcher Dr. Kelly Jones talk about loving environments, trust issues and choosing the narrative ...

Cussing at Plato

In this episode of Big Strong Yes, story expert Lani Diane Rich and researcher Dr. Kelly Jones sing the praises of Chris Baty and Nanowrimo, growl at classic philosoph...

The Answer is Always Yes

In this episode of Big Strong Yes, story expert Lani Diane Rich and researcher Dr. Kelly Jones address process, promises and possibilities in the first part of Part 4:...

Farming with Fairy Dust

In this episode of Big Strong Yes, story expert Lani Diane Rich and researcher Dr. Kelly Jones discuss creative communities, subversive gladness, and the ticklish joy ...

Let the Girl Go

In this episode of Big Strong Yes, story expert Lani Diane Rich and researcher Dr. Kelly Jones talk about originality, authenticity and entitlement (the good kind) fro...

The Natural Shape of You

In this episode of Big Strong Yes, story expert Lani Diane Rich and researcher Dr. Kelly Jones take on fairy dust, the tiger's tail, and finding their natural shape in...

Poetry Slut

In this episode of Big Strong Yes, story expert Lani Diane Rich and researcher Dr. Kelly Jones dive into Part 2: Enchantment of Elizabeth Gilbert's Big Magic, searchin...

Big Strong Yes is a Chipperish Media production by Lani Diane Rich and Dr. Kelly Jones, and is released under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Sharealike license.